We put teacher training at the forefront of all resources we develop. We believe in pairing our specialists with classroom teachers to conduct customized onsite professional learning and extend teachers' skill-sets to innovate the classroom experience.
How the Residency Programs work
A Hoopla Education Specialist works alongside a teacher to demonstrate the specialized skills within one or more of the STEAM learning domains to facilitate the implementation of one of our Nature-inspired programs.
A Classroom Residency (currently only available in Italy):
Integrates The Garden Project or Sticks & Stones within the teacher’s daily routine for a minimum of 2hrs per month
Includes a customized yearly scope & sequence, a teacher's manual complete of lesson plans and hands-on strategies for its successful implementation
Infuses the curriculum with local cultural aspects
Residency Program at your School
Complete the form below for a customised quote for your school based on your needs.